Monday, June 29, 2009


Hari ni kaan aku damam,selesma dan sakit tekak.. sekali nya ku bawa hospital tadi... den check up lh ku dpan2 pintu.. sekali nya betanya th doctor ani ku ada belayar kh nde ari tu,nyaku ada.. sekali dah check tempreture,38C kan panas badan ku.. kajut lah ku juaa.. kan nangish dah ku.. sekali paksa th k isolation room.betahan lah ku dsna.. 2jam ++ kan ku dlm bilik tu,ngaleh ku duduk2... ramai lgi tu org di dlm.. semua th pakai penutup mulut.. den batuk2.. sudah tu bis bejumpa doctor,tunggu kana calling lgi kan kana scren di bandar.. a2 sma th jua batah... den sekian nya ku menunggu kana panggil cia nama ku... masuk lah ku dgan kajar2 and panic.. sekali kan soberr eh.. ia check air liur ku pakai nya buat teh.. hehehe.. nada deh.. ia check pkai test test.. den tunggu ambil ubat lgi... ani tah yang mahal nya.. sambil tunggu ubat kaaan.. wow. ada cowok duduk siring ku.. engsem lah jua cowok tu,boleh tahaaaan.. ~ hoho. sekali kan mcm gigitan jua cowok ni kan bckp sma aku,last last bckp th juaaa batah2 kami tunggu ubat.. hihi. ku layan jer mcm biasa... kalau laki2 tu minta email ku kaaaan bisai.. hehehe.. wuhu ~ nahh bis cia cerita ku. time to sleep. esuk2 lgi sambung berkurapak dan membual. :x

Isabella engagement.

BBQ with Hockey Family.

NorharSheila busy menyalai ayam,kambing,kerbau,unta,itik.... etc... Kami busy menyalaiii.... sma c SUPERMAN a.k.a POJEY..

Org belakang a2 mau2 tu ikut bergambar.. sampai jua gagar camera tu...

Kami bis makan dah.. nyum nyum.. ~

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Saja-saja kan berkurapak... jarang dah ku berkurapak.. tapi hari ani kuat ku berkurapak,mcm dari awal pagi ku berkurapak sma c Kamal saja.aku kuat berkurapak ani pasal c kamal ni...

Kami benci orang
backstabber..Kalau bekwn sama org yg catu tu,payah bahh.. inda th pandai kan mengalah,tau dah diri nya salah. main ungkit2 lgi tu. bide stly nya. kunoo hantap... Mengata org pandai tu,iatah ganya kepandaian nya tu.. yang lain mana ia pandai.. iatah ganya tu... Rugged nda jua rugged,ia jua dri uleh uleh.. entah mengapa kah ia.. krg kami jua di ucapnya jahat tu.asal ckit kami tah yang salah.di bawa runding ani nada ia mau ni,pasti ia ckp " udah tah udah tah. nda ku mau lgi nde ku mau lgi.. " <--- iatah ganya pandai nya tu.. abis2 th a2 th ganya kepandaian nya..kaaan betapa payahnya org mcm a2... asal beckp ckit kan mengamuk ia mcm babi...adakah ku betanya sal " tut tut tut " ia mental,ucap nya ku jahat. hahaha nahh kan payah kan.baru bertanya..lucu bah yg sorang ni,apa kah jenisnya nde tau. kadang2 ah.. nde ia pandai beckp tu eh. mcm diding putih.. hehe.. what ever ia buat pun masih kami Okey. with dat thing pon stil ok waa... okk maa... ~ dun worry maa... ~ iatah ari tu kami nampak anjing menyalak,a2 lusir kami.. laju eh.... mna th jua time tu jogging bah.. payah kan kalau org pelihara anjing ani.. mun anjing a2 d ajarnya,bisai plg tu. merati... ahhh ada lgi. time kami traning kemarin,kajut wa c sheila.. apa kah tu yg melakat2 arh dinding.. lain jenis nya.. c sheila ganya tau tu apa jenis nya.. ~bahh adang ku berkurapak..nde pandai abis ni ku berkurapak.. esuk2 lgi sambung...

Part 1.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

like hell ??

saturday night, 27th ? hehs. it reminds US of on previous time when we were busyyyyy talking, servey, chill, meeting, and whatever that we should have to do that isnt yet DONE!! now, it is the exactly time, the released of GALA NIGHT organised by SUOEGROG! holiday logde ? what's extremely excited we are, sharing some opinion, some rejection and acception, and what-so-ever! till finally we made a big mistakes on misunderstanding in our so-called A HUGE PRETTY GORGEOUSLY RELATIONSHIPPP!! darn it! we pretty didnt much expect that this should be END! there is probably have some problem that they can handle it, covered, and being not too EMOTIONAL with EGOISTIC attitudes! someho, many things that we didnt managed to handle, just because of a small matter. wth ? how dare her for leaving US such a er... er... er... ? how dare her for not to discuss back off our misunderstanding ? how dare her for being selfish to US ? how dare her for treats US as a backstabber ? dont you realized, who the one that ruined our friendship before ? the one who talking shiiiitt about someone between us ? the one who backstabb us ? tellin them that US were like somebody else who make this friendship asshamed ? the one who tellin US about her personal life that could make your sister embrassing ? ( but unfortunately, your sister never knows this matter, girl ) and we were so upset for having a friend like you, you never know what we are feel, you never know what we are wanted, and you never know how to care of us, anymore, never! but we do supported you in everything, girl. we DID! we do still cares for you, we do still being understanding. even if, many things were changing, but deep inside our heart were sticked, still. now, you're letting US fly. you're letting US be in the other side of your life. you made it this decision. you made it, girl. you mean it. so as long as you're happy, we just accept that. nothing can be impossible, even though its hurt. we love you, we do!

  • we hate, blaming you for all of this.
in fact, the gala night is success without US. thats pretty good news! happy for you! but we know, you're not! besides that, it make US hurt, still. you never remembering of us, girl. anymore! somebody has tolds us, that you're request a DJ for that gala night, whereas, before this you didnt even agree in offering DJ for this gaala, but why now ? we didnt understand ehh. :/ anyho, congratulations! :D

treats that party as the end of SUOEGROG! that's all.

we still have 5, we still sticked in this friendship, we love! we love this friendship FOREVER! however, you and you didnt EVER in suoegrog member's anymore, but we still can make it. we dont accept the girls who are so-called as backstabbers! bitch! pretender! sorry to say! hoho.

girls, if you read this, dont be hurt ehh, you deserve for all of this. and if you know the one who are posting this blog, yeah me. you dont have to be silly, thinks for the best you are in your future. stop to be selfish ehh. if you dont selfish, everything's never could end like this, small matters ehh? be more maturity (Y)

we becoming HATRED, though! remember that always! kept it in mind!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

tadi punya cerita ..

hangouttt ehh sma kamu ahh, ahaha. it was was so so muchhhh fun ey. HAHA! i think semua ada SUOEGROG tadi, im happy. lating, seyla, miraa, me and adek! ouchhhh! seee~ we can go out withouttt kamu!

bah bah, i'll stopp!
*ada yang sakit hati krg! :D

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

when she's gone (:

hey!sorry for lack of updating this blog!they're must have their own reason why! :)

shee was here! hello my baby SUOEGROG! :D berhabuk yo blog tani ah. HAHA! so, since i was free on this night, i updates this blog! hmm, many thingy things was happened! unexpected! small thing as well. im here not to tell you guys some bad story, or memburuki drg. but hey, it is the TRUTH! many people thought some of we guys was probably wrong, plus misunderstanding! HAHA!whatevs eeh! honestly, i hate someone yang SELFISH! pretending! gahhhh~ its annoyed us! i know my BFF SUOEGROG's veryyyy well. im bestttt on understanding theeem! (Y) but how come our relationship with her until now saja?

we LOVE her, and sister! but at the same time and NOW we hate theeeeem! just hate at whatever they treats at us before! likee wth?? they so silly, and SELFISH. even though they dont feel that they are, but hey laddies, everybody realised waaa! inda terkira tuu. ohh, i dont know kenapa ia mau menang saja , like kami mesti turuti cakap nya, sanang2 kan mengatur orang, and bla bla bla.. mun ku cerita kan waa about your secret tu, kabur kali kau tu. ganya kesian baaaah! SUOEGROG never be falls onto your fake characteristics! as long as you know, we 're longer in this relationship, but you made it OVERRRRR!

M A T U R I T Y ! :D

i really love my GF! i mean it NOW ( WITHOUTTT THIS TWO PERSON! ) kami ni sekapala. even though inda selalu sama-sama, but we can keep in contact through MSN or just straight to meet up at somewhere. i know everybody will changes, that is the majority of all humanbeing. but they cannot escapee to somebody they are called BEST FRIEND, right ? for me, best friends are mostttttt precious asset. if we got problem, we can share together, trust each other, honest and so so ........

so now, WHEN SHE'S GONE, everything was just fine! we just feel veryyyyyy pity onto both of them. yeahh, kami lama berkawan, then, we didnt expected this thing could be happened! anyhow, itokay waaaaaaa. we can stand without kamu. (Y) we still happy without kamu, happy dari someone who called backstabber! pretending!

so now, i have to confess, that, this new year, new life,
S U O E G R O G belong to 5 girls, :D minus two! (Y) HAHAHAA!

gosssshh! pffft!

im done!