hahaha... its nonsense to talk about HER well .. but its okay, i know she wouldnt mind .. hmft... since ia with her BF she veryyy different and and anthhhh ... ia sanggup tinggal kan bestfiee nya its just for HIMM... ia ekut boyfee ny k pinang for 1 months ++ which makes us dissapointed of HER.. actualy we agree of her decision with one condition, "CELEBRATE NEW YEARS WITH SUOEGROG" .. and she said .. " yess.... i WILL " ... ekksss :s and finally she broke her promises that we ever made before... HAHAHAHA!! lame.... and ia nde celebrate with us. so hampaaaaa !! :(
antahhhhh ehhhhhhhh~~~~~~~~~~ this new yearsss make ia berubAaahh.. membabiiiee .... until now ia langsung inda cAri2 kami. if ya kan blame kami just carry on , hopefully one day ya sadar siapa punya salahhh. she acting like " ORANG KAYA LUPA DIRI !!!!! " but the real HER is not like this, overACT.
on 17/01/2009,
suoegrog's night .. hehehe
at gadong let movie ceta ONG BAK 2 .. and we invite all SUOEGROG dtg liat movie also HER. mula2 ya ckap she's okay, she will come and joined us. so we are waiting her til the show time at 11.30 pm. ada tia ya msj ahhhhhh....
" hun me na jdy la flw u all k no nd laa' gpun nda jua durg sheila sound2 jaln k thnks 4 evrythng k js tkcre"
hmmmmphhhhh...... what the point ya ckap cematu.. ?? mula2 ckap nya okay, now ya sampai dah kmol and langsung nada msj, grrr... antahh. kenapa ya bpikiran mcm ani... sadddddddd eyy.. ya jua kami nunggu2 ya balek sebulan labeh but now apa kami dapat :'( if cara cemani buat ya happy, ok we just let her go. hopefully one day ya tau yg kami ne syang ia berabiss.. and suoegrog will never fall apart !!